Почесне консульство України в Монреалі
Consulat honoraire d'Ukraine à Montréal
Honorary Consulate of Ukraine in Montreal
Currently the Honorary Consulate of Ukraine in Montreal operates remotely. You may call the following number: (514) 925-6390.
Embassy of Ukraine to Canada
+1 (613) 230-2961
+1 (613) 617-2335
For consular issues, please contact the Consular Services of the Embassy:
Consular Services
+1 (613) 230-8015

Honorary Consul
On September 2, 2020, Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba issued the following statement from Kyiv:
“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine announces the appointment of Mr. Eugene Czolij as Honorary Consul of Ukraine in Montreal, Canada, with a consular district covering the province of Quebec, so that he can exercise consular functions in his consular district in accordance with paragraphs “a,” “b,” “c” and “e” of Article 5 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1963.
All officials are kindly requested to recognize Mr. Eugene Czolij as Honorary Consul of Ukraine and to assure him the free exercise of his functions, all rights, privileges and immunities corresponding to his position, and to provide him with assistance, support and protection in all necessary cases.”

Advisory Board
Honorary Consul of Ukraine in Montreal Eugene Czolij created the Advisory Board of the Honorary Consulate of Ukraine in Montreal to advise and assist him in the fulfillment of his functions.
The Advisory Board includes leading Ukrainian community leaders.
The inaugural meeting of the Advisory Board of the Honorary Consulate of Ukraine in Montreal was held virtually on July 14, 2021.